
Roditelji osudili učiteljicu zbog fotke u bikiniju

Učiteljica je samo željela pomoći učenicima da se dobro osjećaju u svom tijelu. Naime, Švicarka Morena Davis patila je od poremećaja u prehrani – gladovala je dopuštajući si samo jedan dan u tjednu pojesti nešto doista ukusno…

Uz to je svaki dan vježbala po dva sata. Bilo je to 2013. godine. Sve je to napisala na svom blogu te na Instagramu – na sreću, sada može i podijeliti fotografije svog novog života: Morena je sretna i sjaji – i zdrava je! 


You are not the size you wear. You are not the number on the scale. You are not the number of people who follow you on Instagram. . Your value doesn‘t depend on the number of likes your pictures have. Because you‘re more than those numbers. Never let those number define you and your worth ❤️ . (More on: . . Du bist nicht die Kleidergrösse(n), die du trägst. Du bist nicht die Zahl, die auf der Waage angezeigt wird, wenn du drauf stehst. Du bist nicht die Zahl der Menschen, die dir auf Instagram folgen. . . Dein Wert hängt nicht von der Anzahl Likes auf deinen Bilder ab. Weil du mehr bist als diese Zahlen. Lass also nicht zu, dass sie dich oder deinen Wert definieren können ❤️ . . . (mehr dazu unter: . #jedentageinbisschenm0reniita #teamselbstliebe #teambodylove #selflove #allbodiesaregoodbodies #NoWrongWay #EveryBodyisbeautiful #curvy #embracethesquish #confidence #bopo #warrior

A post shared by Morena Diaz 💃🏽 (@m0reniita) on

Prati je gotovo 64.000 ljudi. „Problem“ je u tome što je Morena istovremeno i učiteljica – pa to ljuti mnoge roditelje. Naime, tvrde kako se „previše slobodno“ pokazuje na Internetu – a fotka se u bikiniju. I nastavničko vijeće iskritiziralo je njezine fotografije. Činjenica da svojim učenicima i učenicama može svojim znanjem i iskustvom prenijeti pozitivnu sliku o tijelu – očito je sporedna stvar. 

Možda vas zanima Svoju borbu s anoreksijom objavila je na Instagramu Rubrika Život Život

I don’t post this to talk about what is more beautiful - 2013 or 2017 because beauty comes in every shape and every size, you know. But there are two things which aren’t discussed enough on social media. 1. mental health and 2. fat shaming. Society thinks that thin people (like me in 2013) equals healthy and probably happy and fat equals unhealthy and probably unhappy. Well this is WRONG! 2013 I was at my thinnest and I was beyond unhappy and unhealthy too. I didn’t eat enough, I worked out too much (at least two hours a day intensive cardio and strength), I restricted myself to almost everything except on „cheat days“ once a week where I allowed myself all the food I didn’t eat the other 6 days of the week (if this is healthy then I don’t know). This „lifestyle“ led to binge eating and self- hating. I was physically and mentally unhealthy. BUT NOBODY SHAMED ME FOR THAT! I got compliments because people assumed I would be healthy because I was thin and disciplined. Well.. No. Today I get shamed almost under every picture. People tell me that I’m not healthy and that I promote obesity just because they don’t see a flat stomach. But you know what? I’m healthier than I was before because 1. I don’t give a shit about the opinion of others which helps me to stay healthy mentally and 2. I eat intuitively, without restricting and 3. I enjoy life. That’s why I repeat: THIN IS NOT ALWAYS HEALTHY AND FAT IS NOT ALWAYS UNHEALTHY! Stop telling people how to live, to eat, to feel, to look like. _______________________________________ Deutsch in den Kommentaren ❤️ . . . #jedentageinbisschenm0reniita #teamselbstliebe #recoverywarrior #recoveryisworthit #recoverywin #nowrongwaytobeawoman #NoWrongWay #selflovebootcamp #everybodyisbeautiful #selflove #teambodylove #selbstliebe #antidiät #warrior #curvy #love #happy #bodypositive #bellylove

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Osim toga, Morena želi svojim pratiteljima, kao i učenicama i učenicima, dati do znanja da se na internetu rijetko mogu vidjeti „savršena“ tijela koja nisu retuširana. Činjenica je da je Morena jedna od najuspješnijih blogerica u Švicarskoj. Također je važno napomenuti da djeca od nje mogu naučiti odgovorno se ponašati na društvenim mrežama. A valjda će to doći i do glave zabrinutih „supermoralnih“ mama i tata. 

Možda vas zanima Prihvatimo svoj celulit? Tri puta hura za ovu inicijativu! Rubrika Stars Stars

Feeling so good today 🌸💃🏽❤️💜

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Photo: Instagram/Nives Celzijus

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