
Ove žene pokazuju zašto nam sijeda kosa uopće ne mora nabijati pritisak

  • Zašto zapravo vjerujemo da je sijeda kosa kraj svijeta?
  • Tek 2015. godine je'Granny Hair' („Bakina/sijeda kosa“) postao trend te su mnoge modno osviještene žene željele taj izgled
  • Međutim, kod nekih žena sijeda kosa izaziva napadaj panike…

Zašto zapravo ne bismo sijedu kosu promatrale kao nešto normalno, razumljivo, nešto što će nam se prije ili kasnije dogoditi? Instagram račun 'grombre' prekinuo je sakrivanje te ohrabruje mlađe i starije žene da zadrže svoju sijedu kosu, odnosno da je ne sakrivaju ili prekrivaju bojom. Žene cijelog svijeta pod hashtagom #grombre postaju svoje fotografije na kojima se vidi njihova sijeda kosa – i tako šalju predivnu poruku.


Grombre pokazuje koliko je lijepa sijeda kosa

Pokretačica accounta „grombre“, Martha Truslow Smith, navodi kako je dobila prve sijede vlasi u svojoj 14 godini!


I got my first grey hair at 14. Despite being raised by my two silver crowned parents I quickly learned how to dye and have done so for ten years. I found that with each dye I gained not identity and assurance but anxiety and a feeling of misrepresentation. I found an odd reassurance in the fact that I NEEDED chemicals and dye to feel beautiful. At 24 I've decided to go #grombre. Join me on my journey of empowerment and acceptance as I look to build a community based on the natural privilege of silver beauty (at any age!) DM me to feature your own journey to platinum beauty. ◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️#grombre #goinggreygracefully #greyhair #greyhairdontcare #grayhairdontcare #grayhair #greyhair #greyhairdontcare #grayhairdontcare #haircare #hairbeauty #naturalhair

A post shared by Going grey with (grohm)(bray) (@grombre) on


Možda vas zanima Ako imaš tanku kosu, jedna od ovih 12 frizura stvorena je za tebe Rubrika Beauty Beauty

U međuvremenu ih je dobila više, ali zbog toga se nikada nije sramila – što je napisala ispod svoje fotografije na Instagramu. Njen Instagram dobio je u međuvremenu više od 130.000 pratitelja, a stotine žena različite dobi izvijestile su o tome kako su osjećale pritisak da oboje sijedu kosu, ali su sada sretne - ne moraju više toliko novaca i vremena investirati u bojenje kose, nego mogu fino uživati u svojoj prirodnoj sijedoj kosi.


“Growing up I naturally had dirty blonde hair, but then at the young age of 20 I spotted my first silver. I was disgusted at the sight and plucked it out. I was always striving to be this blonde bombshell with perfect highlights to cover the many random silver strands. After years of covering and fighting with my hair dresser about the tones of blonde, I realized I wanted a tone I already owned genetically. Today I no longer have any processed bleached strands. The silver is coming through as natural highlights and most can’t even tell. I can though. 👩🏻‍🦳 My confidence is much higher knowing that I can be just as beautiful without bleaching and having to spend hundreds of dollars on my hair. I anticipate after this quarantine a lot of women thinking about throwing away the box! Don’t question it! Just do it. 💫 I’m working as a funeral director and mortician during this weird time and making a hair appointment is not on my list of things to do when it’s over! PS. Stay home and go grey!” @mortuary_sisters #grombre #gogrombre #grombabe

A post shared by Going grey with (grohm)(bray) (@grombre) on

Možda vas zanima Preslatko! Ova frizura zapalila je Internet, a možeš je sama napraviti kod kuće. Evo kako Rubrika Beauty Beauty
Photo: Instagram/Getty

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