
Ove žene dokazuju da nas debljanje može učiniti sretnijima

Ove "obrnute transformacije" postale su nam prava definicija zdravlja uma i tijela, a super inspirativne cure iza njih dale su savršene odgovore na sva pitanja o kilogramima

Instagram može biti jedno divno mjesto kada tražiš motivaciju za gubitak onih nekoliko kilograma koji ti smetaju. Ali ne žele svi izgubiti kilograme, što je i razlog zašto smo oduševljeni ženama koje su prihvatile alternativni pristup fizičkim promjenama koje tako često viđamo na društvenim mrežama. Ove cure hvale se svojim "obrnutim transformacijama" i na taj način pokazuju ženama kako su mnogo sretnije sa svojim tijelima sada, nakon što su dobile nekoliko kilograma.


#TRANSFORMATIONTUESDAY BACKWARDS EDITION! Okay enough with the obnoxious caps. So, I’ve gained weight 🤗. Also, I’m really HAPPY and I am not beating myself up! Since my lowest, I’ve gone through a number of life events, both positive and negative, that have tested my dedication and will power. Sometimes I won, sometimes I came in second (there’s no losing when you’re working on YOU). At my lowest I was at a place where I was eating a lot of foods I did not enjoy, and I was unhappy, which is part of the reason I “let loose”. •• Here I am again to stress to you that I don’t not have it all figured out. I am human, like you, and I slip up, like you! And here I am to remind you that this is normal and a natural part of this journey. It is a roller coaster. And you’ll always be finding your way. •• I’ve stayed happy this whole time because I’m always working on my mentality. As I always say, we must love our bodies in all states, at all times! Throughout this journey you will ride highs and lows, but you will never fail and will always come on top of you keep working on YOU. So if you’ve gained some weight DO NOT FRET. This is normal and you are not “failing”. You know what you need to do! And so do I. But am I upset right now? I am absolutely not. Because I have been killing my workouts, been gaining so much strength, and strengthening my relationship with myself. •• On that note, I am documenting my journey to getting back to a place where I feel most comfortable with myself. I do not have a goal of loosing a certain number of pounds, but I have a goal of building back a healthier relationship with food, finding a healthy balance, and keeping my binges under control (because this is the hardest part for me - I love working out) - - and I’m filming it all for you ... to keep it real, and to show you that anything is possible. So keep your eyes peeled for that! I love you all so much, and I wish you a beautiful week 💜💜💜 Always keeping it real for you, and always thanking you x 100000 for your support.

Objavu dijeli Jovana (@jovanafit)

Nakon što se godinama borila s gubitkom kilograma, fitness Influencerica Jovana Borojević shvatila je da ju to ne čini sretnom i upravo je zato smanjila svoj strogi režim i radije se fokusirala na stvari koje ju čine sretnom. Svoju pozitivnu poruku prenijela je putem svog Instagram profila i poručila svim curama kako je najvažnije nahraniti dušu i vježbati na ljubavi prema samima sebi!

Možda vas zanima Nećete vjerovati koliko je ova djevojka na slici teška Rubrika Stars Stars

Lately I've received a number of messages around weightloss advice and questions about which diet I followed for Miss South Africa. I want to give you honest feedback: I never followed a specific diet, but I made drastic lifestyle changes and literally trained my butt off. The picture on the left was after 5 months of intense training and absolutely NO carbs, red meat or alcohol. Chocolates, cake and sweets were swear words! I trained 2 to 3 hours a day and I even worked cardio sessions in over weekends. My boobs shrunk 2 cup sizes and my period stopped. On this specific day of the picture, I got home, freezing after the shoot, and I had a baby apple for dinner. From the picture on the right, more than a year later, I want to say, it's NOT worth it to fight a daily battle with food or your body. Bodies are different, we can't all look the same. Instead of having #bikinibody unrealistic-nonsense-goals that are being spoonfed to us on a daily basis, strive towards being the healthiest and happiest version of yourself (mentally and physically). Don't fight against something that is part of who you are. Self acceptance is a relationship that you have to work on daily. Be sure to make your body your new best friend. Light and love! #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodyconfidence #loveyourbody #dietculture #unrealisticgoals #bebodyaware #healthnotsize #beautybeyondsize #droptheplus #everybodyisbeautiful #swimwear #bikini #curves #iamallwoman

Objavu dijeli Marciel Hopkins (@marcielhopkins)

Prije nekoliko godina, Marciel Hopkins izgubila je 15-tak kilograma prije izbora za miss Južne Afrike. Ali nakon striktne dijete i svakodnevnih višesatnih treninga, nije se osjećala ni približno dobro koliko je očekivala. Na kraju je zaključila kako ništa nije vrijedno groznih osjećaja i kako su sva ženska tijela jednako lijepa.


Happy #transformationtuesday my loves 💓 when I told you that I used to be so skinny with matchsticks legs I was not lying 😂😂😂 I genuinely used to be so skinny it was crazy 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ so here's my 4 year transformation. From skinny to strong 💓💓💓 #gainingweightiscool I couldn't be happier with how I currently am looking and I much prefer stronger Amie to skinny Amie 💁🏽 also can we appreciate the over filtered before picture 😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️ back in the bebo stunnah days when filters were very very overused 😂😂😂 anyways I shall leave this here! Picture 1: a skinny Amie who over did it on the cardio and ate very little VS Picture 2: a stronger Amie with much more muscle, who lifts weights and that eats much more food! (Carbs have my heart ❤️) HAVE A GREAT EVENING ALL💓🤗

Objavu dijeli ⚡️@AMIE_FIT_⚡️ (@amie_wiley)

Studentica Amie dobila je 15 kilograma u četiri godine nakon što je shvatila da želi biti snažnija verzija sebe, s više mišića i više ljubavi prema sebi. 


I know I've shared this before but I'm sharing it again because it seemed to resonate with a good amount of people. . On the left was a couple weeks after I had broken my jaw, and had lost over 10 lbs. initially. On the right is a week or so ago. Now, I have never been someone to fixate on my actual weight, I didn't even own a scale until last year. But, for whatever reason, seeing that lower number on the scale messed with my head a little bit. I knew I needed to gain back the weight, but I think there is this automatic association that weighing less is somehow better. Obviously this is not true but I think that has been engrained in us by society. And to be honest, I knew I needed to gain back the weight but I didn't see the hurry. I didn't think I looked unhealthy. I thought I looked fine...lean even. It wasn't until I saw this photo on the left that I remember thinking, "oh, shit...definitely do not have a butt anymore" 😂 Which yes, is funny to an extent...but ☝🏼 it's also a little scary how something can be so engrained in us (a lower number on the scale) and us embody that without even knowing it. . Even for someone who doesn't use a scale (I just weigh myself for macro adjustments), I do understand how the number on the scale can have a big impact on someone. So I just really encourage you guys to adjust your goals based on what you see in the mirror and how you are feeling about your body (if that makes sense). Yes, the number on the scale CAN be an indicator of progress, but it is NOT the only indicator. I look at these photos and on the right is someone who is healthy, happy, confident, and those are the things that I strive for. Those are what will make your progress meaningful, not the number on the damn scale 👊🏼 #screwthescale #gainingweightiscool

Objavu dijeli Claire Guentz (@claireguentz)

Medicinska sestra Claire Maxwell onesvijestila se i slomila viličnu kost na poslu, zbog čega je izgubila skoro deset kilograma. Ali kada je trebala vratiti kilograme nazad, odlučila je iskoristiti priliku i izgraditi zdravo i snažno tijelo uz pomoć dizanja utega. 


A little flashback Friday action for you. This caption will be long and won't fit, so if you'd like to read please find the rest in the comment section....The left side was me at the start of the peak of my career. My first proper fashion week where I was actually the size I needed to be. I was booking amazing shows that one never thinks they actually could, walking with girls who I once looked up to, it was a serious adrenaline rush...but after fainting one night in my apt whilst preparing one of my very low cal meals (I think it was 20 pieces of steamed edamame if I remember correctly), I called it quits with the diet and workout regime I was put on and decided I could do it on my own. I thought to myself, I can still be this thin, but I'll just eat a little more so I don't feel so horrible. Well, eating a little more turned into eating nearly a bag full of almonds, which then turned into eating full size meals, which then turned into a full blown binge. I was craving every single food you could imagine and I was giving in to every craving even though I knew this was such an important time in my career. I made it through NYFW okay, no one had noticed any weight gain, but by the time I had gotten the LFW I could see the pounds starting to show both in the mirror and on the measuring tape, but I kept quiet obviously not wanting to sabotage myself. I found myself going to the grocery store and picking up raw vegetables to try and make up for the near two week binge I had in NY, but I didn't see any weight coming off no matter how "healthy" I was eating and no matter how many workouts I fit in. MFW came and I knew I was bigger and by bigger I mean a 35.5in hip rather than the 34.5in hip I started with in NY, I played it cool and just pretended everything was normal. I did end up booking shows, Dolce & Gabbana being one of them. Which I afterwards received online criticism about my thighs looking fat...Anyways PFW came about, and I found it impossible to resist those chocolate croissants 🙊 I went on many a casting with one exclusive option being on my schedule, but after meeting the client I knew the reason for me not nailing the gig, my size...

Objavu dijeli Liza Golden-Bhojwani (@lizagoldenreal)

Bivša manekenka Liza Golden javno je ilustrirala promjenu na svom tijelu nakon što se prestala "boriti" sama sa sobom i standardima industrije u kojoj je radila. 


2014- unhealthy. 2015- unhealthy. 2017- HEALTHY🖤 My #transformationtuesday as real as it comes. I usually cut out the bikini part of my journey, because Idk why but I feel kinda embarrassed. Thats not because of the sport it's self, I have a lot of respect for people who do it, but more because when somebody with a current or past eating disorder approaches me for comp prep- I immediately turn them away, but... I did it myself🤦🏼‍♀️. I went from anorexia, to recovered, to back into, what I'd describe as a more controlled eating disorder. I'm 2014 and 2015 I had an obsession. Obsession with food, exercise and my body. I thought I was of optimum health while competing. But there is nothing more unhealthy than putting so much stress on the body and mind to be low body fat %. I lost my periods, my hair fell out, and I was super emotional. My journey as a whole is what taught me a huge lesson on health. I realised that health isn't a number on the scale, nor how lean you are. Health is feeling energised. Fuelling your body with nourishing food and exercising regularly. It's having a healthy outlook on fitness and not letting it consume your life. It's having your hormones regulating properly. Healthy is when you're functioning at your best in all areas of your life🙆🏼 Don't loose the meaning of health, while trying to be healthy 🤦🏼‍♀️🖤 #transformation#selflovein6#annorexia#bikinicompetitor#recover#fitfam

Objavu dijeli Victoria Niamh Spence (@victorianiamh)

Za osobnu trenericu Victoriju, put do kilograma nije bio jednostavan. Patila je od anoreksije, a godinu dana kasnije razvila je "opsesiju s hranom, tjelovježbom i vlastitim tijelom". Nakon nekog vremena shvatila je kako je na svoje tijelo stavila nepotreban stres koji joj je potpuno preoteo život. 


My transformation *January 2016->Recent (2017) A HUGE 50-60pound difference (85->140lbs) 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼FOOD IS FUEL! In the past I struggled with restriction for many years! Looking back I laugh, I will never understand how I ever convinced myself that being "thin" would bring happiness and help me feel like I would be accepted. Little did I know that lifting weights, not killing my body with HOURS of cardio everyday and eating enough would get me to the body I had ALWAYS wanted. Most importantly lifting has gotten me to live my dream of just being HAPPY and HEALTHY! 😀I've completely turned my life around and found that FOOD IS KEY to success for getting stronger, building muscles, and becoming healthier overall. I hope to show everyone that IT IS POSSIBLE TO ACHEIVE ANYTHING! Make a list of your goals, NO EXCUSES! Just go, start working for them! Send me a message with any questions, I want to help everyone achieve their goals because you're all amazing and so worthy of being fit and happy 😊 #transformation

Objavu dijeli Mackenzie Forbes (@kenziefitness_)

Mackenzie Forbes pokazala je zapanjujuću transformaciju koju je postigla vježbanjem i zdravom prehranom. Sada napokon ima tijelo kakvo je oduvijek željela, a osjeća se zdravije i sretnije nego ikada. 


Can I be cringe and say I got emotional when I compared these two photos lol 😄 A massive #throwbackthursday to 2015 when I underate, overtrained and genuinely didn't have a bloody clue. I was so unconfident in myself and had unhealthy relationships with food. I never EVER could have imagined that I'd be able to change my body (and my mindset) the way I have, genuinely 😊 I never thought that I "gave enough". I never thought I "did it right" because I wasn't training how she was.. or counting macros.. or eating *clean* enough. I messed up so many times during these 1.5 years of my fitness journey and have always been hard on myself.. but looking back, I'm sooooo proud. And I'm proud to say I'm proud 😊 You don't need to be perfect or even NEAR perfect to achieve your goals and transform you body/life. Sure, you do have to work hard. But I promise you can still mess up, eat the things you love, miss your gym sessions and be a normal human, too. Fitness and ~health~ should be a fun addition to your life, rather than the whole of it. If you take one thing from this caption, its that you only have to eat kale if you like it lol. Fitness looks different on everyone and I swear to god if I can do it, so can you!!!!! I promise (cos I am legit the queen of sleep, carbs, and general laziness) Much love ❤️ #transformation (ps I'm 5'5)

Objavu dijeli Emma (@emlouisefitness)

U razmaku od 18 mjeseci, fitness blogerica Emma dobila je deset kilograma i ne može biti sretnija zbog toga. A najbolja poruka koju je poslala glasi: "fitness je zabavan dodatak tvojem životu, nikako ne cijeli dio njega".


"Wait so you just decided to RUIN your body?" Nah, I just stopped torturing myself every day for not fitting an image I was never supposed to be. · "But you look so much healthier to me before." That's funny, you looked so much more intelligent to me before you equated health with weight and forgot that mental health is health too. · "You could have stayed the same and loved your body, you didn't need to get fat." I could have stayed the same and spiralled back into the eating disorder that almost killed me when I was 15. I could have kept starving myself and obsessively working out for hours everyday but it never would have lead me to self love. No matter how much weight I lost there was always still something to hate. And sure, people don't NEED to gain weight to find their self love, this is just what my body needed to do to match up to my mental freedom. THIS IS MY HAPPY BODY. · "But surely you can't be happy looking like that now, I could never be happy in that body." I didn't think I could either, but as it turns out, happiness isn't a size. And I wasted far too many years believing that it was. Now I'm not going to stop letting people know that they deserve happiness exactly as they are. They deserve to live now, not 10 pounds from now. They deserve that mental freedom. So to every person reading this: I hope you get your freedom too, however it might look. I'll be cheering you on every step of the way. 💜💙💚🌈🌞 P.s. these are all comments I received on my last before/after picture, luckily for me, they just make me want to keep going even more 👊

Objavu dijeli Megan Jayne Crabbe 🐼 (@bodyposipanda)

Neki će reći da je Megan "uništila" svoje tijelo kada je prekinula dijetu i režim tjelovježbe, ali ona se ne slaže. "Ovo je moje sretno tijelo!" - napisala je ispod svoje transformacijske objave i mi se ne možemo više složiti!

Photo: Instagram

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