
Influencerica je pokazala kako se prevarom kreira 'savršeno' tijelo na Instagramu

  • Danae Mercer odlučila je biti iskrena i pokazati kako stoje stvari u svijetu prividne ljepote
  • Naime, pokazala je kako se većina fotografija nad kojima uzdišemo na Instagramu „fejka“
  • U njenom videu možeš vidjeti kako se ekstremno laže i vara kad je riječ od fotografijama, odnosno „savršenim tijelima“ na Instagramu
Možda vas zanima Zaboravi gin! Ovo piće obožavat ćeš ovog ljeta, a osvojit će te i cijenom Rubrika Life&style Life&style

Sve je samo lijepi privid: nekako je većini nas već odavno jasno da baš svaka fotografija ili snimka na Instagramu ne odgovaraju istini. Međutim, šokantno je koliko je tih lažnih fotografija i koliko se „peglaju“ originalne fotke te koliko se besramnih laži prezentira svakodnevno. Influencerica Danae Mercer pokazala je na svom kanalu s koliko malo truda mogu uvježbani profesionalci dočarati apsolutno savršenstvo.


Cellulite and stretchmarks are SO GOSH DARN NORMAL. So let’s rewrite the conversation. Let’s flip the switch. Let’s eliminate the stigma together. Because whatever we do now, for us, for this moment, it echoes into tomorrow. It speaks to the teens in my inbox who feel they are never thin enough. To the girls who are sliding their calories lower and lower. To the boy who asked me if it’s normal that he has stretchmarks too. It tells them these bodily things are HUMAN and they happen and no, no, they are NOT SHAMEFUL. Even if, for so very long, the silence and the fact they sit hidden in the shadows has suggested otherwise. So let’s stand together today ladies. Let’s WEAR THOSE SHORTS and wear those swimsuits. And change the way we speak about our bodies. In our hearts. In our heads. And to the many little ones that hear. . . . #iweigh #feminist #stretchmarks #strengthmarks #selflove #celluliteisnormal #womenirl

A post shared by Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) on

Možda vas zanima Influencerica se hvalila da je na odmoru na Baliju – a zapravo je bila u IKEA-i. Snimila je i video... Rubrika Life&style Life&style

Bikini tijelo? Imamo ga sve!

Mercer je ozbiljno shvatila #nofilter-hastag te pokazala samouvjereno fotografije u kupaćem kostimu na kojima uopće nije ni pokušala sakriti celulit. Osobito je upečatljiva direktna usporedba s konvencionalnim Instagram-postovima: često se 33-godišnjakinja pokazuje u umjetnom položaju koji sakriva „problematične zone“ – a desno od toga je njeno prirodno držanje koje pokazuje stvarnost. „Jednostavno je usrećiti sve ljude. Prilagoditi se i tiho prepustiti najglasnijim glasovima ili onima najzlobnijima“, napisala je na jednom postu. „Ali, ako želimo svima udovoljiti, postat ćemo nitko. Izblijedit ćemo. Izgubit ćemo sebe same.“


ONLINE vs REALITY - The SITTING edition Repeat after me: I will NOT COMPARE MY REAL to someone else’s HIGHLIGHT REEL. We’re spending a lot of times on our phones right now. And a whole lot of perfection is staring right back up at us. Here’s just one example: The classic FITSPO / BIKINI kneeling pose. My core is tight, hips popped back, bum squeezing, arm overhead, legs toward camera. It looks a bit cray from the side but it’s super flattering. PLUS I’m shooting at sunrise, which has far softer, nicer light than midday. All that creates one of those great little INSTA SNAPS. Only it’s not how I’d actually sit. In real life, I sit, well, like a human. Comfortably. If you want to try the pose, GO for it. Rock it. You take those fierce photos. If you don’t want to try it, also cool. I just wanted to remind you today that social media is filtered. Movies are filtered. Magazines are filtered. None of it is a standard against which you should compare yourself. YOU, as you are, with your own sunshine and smile and heart and soul, that is pretty darn incredible. And I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you’re real. x . . #posing #womenirl #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence #instagramvsreality

A post shared by Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) on

Pitanje držanja

Osobito upečatljivo pokazuje kako kut gledanja i držanje tijela mogu dati lažan privid na fotografijama, odnosno koliko je realnost doista drugačija. U sekundi nestane celulit na bedrima ili šlauf na trbuhu – sve što ne odgovara „slici“ i imidžu. Kad je demonstrirala kako se manipulira u Photoshopu, postalo je jasno sljedeće: potpuno je suludo frustrirano se uspoređivati s modelima s Instagrama.


Let’s talk EDITING APPS. This transformation took all of two minutes. I smudged out stretchmarks and swapped my bloating for a bum, brightened my eyes and smoothed that great lil mid-forehead vein. In just 120 seconds, I became a SHINIER, GLOSSIER version of myself. And it was incredibly easy. I used to edit my photos like this. When I was recovering from my relapse, I felt delicate. Insecure. So I would use apps like these to make myself THINNER. Always, always thinner. Because in my mind, thin was perfect. And maybe if I was perfect, everything would be ok. Maybe I would be loved. So I have NO anger towards people who use these. No anger. Because I’ve been there. Instead I want to stress to YOU how OFTEN it happens. How in addition to posing and lighting and outfit swaps and all the shiny things I talk about on here, there’s always this lil side of technology. And I want to say that if you’re someone who uses these often, Who changes your body or changes your skin or changes YOU, Know you are seen. You are worthy. And you are LOVED, EXACTLY as you already are. No technology-sponsored changes required. Stay safe out there gals. We’re in this together. Original photo @chiclebelle #instagramvsreality #feminist #beforeandafter #instavsreality #iweigh #bodyacceptance #selflove

A post shared by Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) on

Možda vas zanima Ova djevojka prekrasno se izruguje sa "savršenim" i potpuno nerealnim Instagram fotkama Rubrika Life&style Life&style

Kao prvo, tamo se slavi tjelesni ideal koji je potpuno iskrivljen i insceniran – a kao drugo, gotovo uopće ne postoji u stvarnosti! Uostalom, pogledaj sama profil Danae Mercer na Instagramu…


Do you SIT differently in PUBLIC than you do in PRIVATE? I did. For YEARS I did. In public, I would pose. Squeeze. Arch. Tighten. In private, I’d sit comfortably: shoulders relaxed, body loose, just being human. And I imagine that maybe, just maybe, I’m not alone. I read an article once talking about the BEST WAY to POSITION your body on the beach. It was all ‘knees up, core tight, never lay flat’. And if you had extra wiggles and jiggles around the hips and thighs? The article recommended DIGGING A HOLE in the SAND. To put that bum into. So it would, you know, look LESS. As a teen, I did these things. And then, as an adult, I still held myself sucked in or avoided crossing my legs because heaven forbid anyone should see my CELLULITE. Things have CHANGED in this last year. I wish they would have changed so much sooner. So today, I just want to remind you: It is OK to sit comfortably. To RELAX while you’re RELAXING. Perfection isn’t the price you pay to exist in a human body. And comfort is pretty darn incredible. Posing is great fun, but NOT POSING doesn’t make you worth ANY LESS. Even if it means your wobbly bits come out on show. Or your skin folds. Or you’re just, well, YOU. Because being YOU is incredible. And worthy. And powerful. In whatever way, shape, or form. You got this girl. Go sit comfortably. x Photos @chiclebelle who is just the best #selflove #selfacceptance #bodyacceptance #iweigh #feminist

A post shared by Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) on

Photo: Instagram/Getty

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