
Meghan Markle tvrdi da joj se kraljica Elizabeta osvećuje - i otkriva nove detalje sukoba

  • Meghan Markle prijateljima je otkrila kako smatra da su ona i njezin suprug jedine žrtve raskola na dvoru te da se nad njima vrši represija
  • Bivšoj vojvotkinji teško je palo oduzimanje titula te smatra kako su na to kraljicu nagovorili drugi članovi obitelji
  • Meghan vjeruje kako su ona i Harry ti koji se trebaju osjećati uvrijeđeno zbog svih lažnih optužbi izrečenih na njihov račun

Meghan Markle vjeruje kako su ona i njezin suprug Harry jedine istinske žrtve "Megxita" te kako su restrikcije koje im je nametnula kraljica Elizabeta zapravo osveta zbog njihove želje da se osamostale. Ovu je misao podijelila i sa svojim bliskim prijateljima nakon što je od strane britanskog dvora prošlog tjedna ponovno bila upozorena da zbog napuštanja dužnosti treba prestati koristiti kraljevske titule.


“After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen. It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages. This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity. We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support.” - The Duke and Duchess of Sussex For more information, please visit (link in bio) Image © PA

Objavu dijeli The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

Možda vas zanima Novi dom Harryja i Meghan? Pogledaj unutrašnjost impresivne vile u Los Angelesu za koju su se ozbiljno 'zapalili' Rubrika Stars Stars

"Meghan je rekla da nisu imali nikakve druge mogućnosti te su morali izdati javno priopćenje" - otkrio je bliski prijatelj para za Daily Mail, te dodao: "Rekla je da ako se itko treba osjećati uvrijeđeno onda su to oni. Nikada nisu namjeravali kapitalizirati svoje titule, a insinuacije kako iskorištava kraljevske privilegije smatra apsurdnima."


‘Keeping Norfolk’s feet dry’ is how staff at Wolferton’s Pumping Station describe their work. Today, The Queen opened a newly rebuilt facility 72 years after her father, King George VI, opened the original station on 2nd February 1948. The Station sits within the Sandringham Estate, home to Sandringham House – the private residence of The Queen and the Royal Family. King George VI opened the pumping station shortly after WWII, to enable the surrounding marshland, which sits below sea level, to be drained, dried out and farmed. Her Majesty toured the new station, which has been rebuilt over the past 18 months to create a more environmentally friendly facility to better protect its local wildlife, including nesting birds on the neighbouring marshes.

Objavu dijeli The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily)

Prema prijateljevim riječima, Meghan smatra kako je kraljica bila pod pritiskom da donese odluke koje je donijela jer je Harry bio njezin miljenik te se drugi s time nisu mogli pomiriti pa su stvarali probleme. "Rekla je kako će se ona i Harry i dalje nastojati izdići iznad ljubomore i zavisti te kako će se fokusirati na to da budu najbolji roditelji." - otkrio je isti izvor.


In Scotland today, The Duke of Sussex and Travalyst have hosted a summit to launch their next phase of work, putting communities first, with a mission to create a more sustainable tourism industry. • “We are a coalition of partners with a shared goal to transform the future of tourism and travel for everyone – to give people access to better information and ensure the future development of tourism positively supports the destinations that the industry relies on, and that their communities depend on. We believe travel is a good thing. It is the heart of human experience, of cultural connections and of new friendships.” - The Duke of Sussex Travalyst is working to build a future where people are able to take holidays and trips that have social, environmental and economic benefits to communities and destinations built in. There is an increasing desire for these types of trips – and we want to make them a reality for everyone. At today’s summit in Edinburgh, representatives from across the Scottish tourism sector discussed the need to encourage and incentivise sustainable practices across the supply chain, in a way that meets the needs of consumers who want more clarity on how to choose more sustainable options. Image © PA / SussexRoyal

Objavu dijeli The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

Uskoro se ponovno vraća u London

Dok se Meghan i dalje nalazi u Kanadi, njezin suprug ovih dana boravi u Škotskoj gdje obavlja posljednje u nizu dogovorene obveze. Boraveći jučer na konferenciji o održivom turizmu u Edinburgu, organizatore je zamolio da ga oslovljavaju isključivo imenom bez spominjanja titule. "Jasno je dao do znanja da želi da ga zovemo samo Harry." - otkrila je voditeljica Ayesha Hazarinka. Nakon posjeta Škotskoj, Harry se vraća u London, a ondje će ga dočekati i Meghan te će se zajedno pojaviti pred britanskom javnosti prvi puta nakon raskida veza s dvorom.

Photo: Profimedia / @salmahayek Instagram

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