
Zašto učiteljica joge želi da svi vide mrlju od menstruacije?

Stephanie Gongora je instruktorica joge koja se odlučila na hrabar korak – snimala se za vrijeme treninga dok je imala menstruaciju. ne samo dok ju je imala, već i dok se na njenim bijelim tajicama jasno vidjela mrlja

„Tamponi? Što je to? Tu riječi ne govorimo na glas, sakrivamo ih.“ S tim provokativnim postom željela je učiteljica joge privući pozornost na veliku problematiku. Napisala je: „Više od 100 milijuna žena diljem svijeta ne ide u školu ili na posao, jer nemaju tampone ili se boje da će netko vidjeti da imaju menstruaciju.“ 

Možda vas zanima Kaže se MENSTRUACIJA. Možeš to slobodno reći Rubrika Life&style Life&style

Danas, u 21. stoljeću, mjesečnica je još uvijek tabu tema o kojoj tek rijetke žene otvoreno mogu (smiju) govoriti. Stephanie se ne može s tim pomiriti. 
Zbog toga je na postala na Instagram video gdje vježba jogu – u bijelim tajicama za trening – krvareći. „Ja sam žena, dakle krvarim“, napisala je uz post, kako bi destigmatizirala mjesečnicu. 


I am a woman, therefore, I bleed. . It's messy, it's painful, it's terrible, & it's beautiful. . And yet, you wouldn't know. Because I hide it. . I bury things at the bottom of the trash. I breathe, ragged and awkward through the cramps, all the while holding onto this tight lipped, painted on smile. . Tampons? Shhh. We don't say those words out loud. Hide them. In the back pocket of your purse, in the corner of the bathroom drawer, at the very bottom of your shopping cart (please let me get a female cashier). . Events or engagements get missed. I'll tell myself it’s the PMS, sure, but it has more to with the risk of being "caught," at what...I'm not quite sure. . And I’m lucky. . Over 100 million young women around the globe miss school or work for lack of adequate menstrual supplies, & fear of what might happen if the world witnesses A NATURAL BODILY FUNCTION. . WHY? . Because hundreds of years of culture have made us embarrassed to bleed. Have left us feeling dirty and ashamed. . STOP PRETENDING. Stop using silly pet names like Aunt Flo because you're too afraid to say "I'm bleeding" or "vagina." Stop wasting so much effort hiding the very thing that gives this species continuity. . START talking about it. Educate your daughters. Make them understand that it can be both an inconvenience and a gift, but NEVER something to be ashamed about. Educate your sons so they don't recoil from the word tampon. So when a girl bleeds through her khaki shorts in third period (pun intended), they don't perpetuate the cycle of shame and intolerance. . This #StartSomethingSunday , I want to highlight @corawomen . . Cora Women is a 100% Organic tampon company. . But that’s not all. They are also breaking barriers. Making it ok to talk about periods, even on social media. Providing personalized, delivered tampon/pad orders right to your door. AND for every box purchased, donating a box of sustainable pads to girls who can't afford menstruation products. . Fuck yeah. That's the kind of stuff I can galvanize behind, NO money OR product needed. Just a mission I support on a topic we should ALL be talking about. . THIS IS JUST A LEAK, NOT FREE BLEEDING ✌🏽

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„Radi nam mrlje, boli nas, ružna je, ali i predivna. Vi ne znate za nju jer je sakrivam. Sakrivam stvari na dno kante za smeće. Nelagodno mi je od grčeva, a pri tome se cijelo vrijeme smijem na silu.“ 

I upravo je to, kaže Stephanie – pogreška: ona je željela menstruaciju napraviti vidljivom, odnosno zaustaviti cenzuru kojoj su mnoge žene izložene. Mjesečnica je najnormalnija stvar na svijetu – nitko se zbog toga ne treba sramiti ili se sakrivati. Upravo suprotno – učiteljici joge je to prilika da se tema menstruacije nametne kao nešto o čemu svi smiju razgovarati – i trebaju! 

Photo: Instagram

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