
Hrabar potez: blogerica je pokazala što PMS može učiniti tijelu

Neke pate više, a neke manje – od popratnih pojava koje uzrokuje mjesečnica. Blogerica Malin Oloffson pokazuje na fotografiji kako može izgledati jaki PMS

Menstruacija nije kod mnogih žena – koje pate od snažnog PMS (predmenstrualnog sindroma) – povezana s grčevima, nego i s migrenom, bolovima u leđima, poteškoćama s cirkulacijom, nadutosti te gubitkom tjelesne težine. 

I ne zvuči tako super, zar ne? Pošto si muškarci, a ni mnoge žene, ne mogu zamisliti koliko to može biti strašno, blogerici Malin Oloffson važno je učiniti PMS vidljivim – u obliku posta na Instagramu. Naime, ona ekstremno pati od svih simptoma. Kad netko pogleda fotografiju koju je objavila, na prvi pogled čini se da je Malin trudna – međutim, ima naduti trbuh! 


〰 Some of you have seen this before. Some of you haven't. Some of you experience and go through this yourself once a month. Some of you will be disgusted. Some of you will sigh with relief and think -Omg I'm not alone. Some of you will not read this caption and presume that I'm pregnant. 〰 This is the visual signs of PMS for me and many other women. For some it's less extreme, for some it's more. Water retention is a very normal and common symptom of PMS. Some women will hardly notice it and some go through immense discomfort for a couple of days a month. It can start anytime between ovulation and your period. 〰 THIS 👏🏽 IS 👏🏽 NORMAL. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Yes - it is very uncomfortable, and yes - it is really difficult to not feel like you must hide it and try to suck your stomach in. I've stopped. I've decided that breathing is more important than what other people may or might think. I've decided that my body's reaction to the hormonal change is not going to be an aspect that I let contribute to my already unstable mental state. Because when I have PMS, I already feel like dying. And I've decided to love my body no matter how I feel about life. 〰 Do not blame your body for how you're feeling. It is never your body's fault. It is never anything wrong with how your body looks. Yes - your body might experience discomfort due to hormonal changes - so instead of making it worse through shaming your body, try doing the opposite. Realize that this is when you need extra self-care and self-love. Realize that you don't have to be ashamed and hide. You are perfect and your body is just doing it's job.

A post shared by MALIN 🌱 (@malinxolofsson) on

„Neki od vas to su već vidjeli“, napisala je pod fotku, „a drugi nisu. Neke od vas to moraju doživjeti svaki mjesec. A druge su pošteđene. Neke gledaju sada ovo kao olakšanje, pa misle – oh, Bože, nisam sama! Drugi uopće neće ovo pročitati pa će misliti da sam trudna.“ 

„Ovo su vizualni znakovi PMS-a koji vrijede za mene i mnoge druge žene“, napisala je ispod fotografije. „Za neke je manje ekstremno, za neke više. Gomilanje vode je sasvim normalno i običan je simptom.“ 



APRIL 5 I am feeling good about life. I find meaning within my life, within most things that I do. I love being social and to be in places where there's a lot of people. I do see that other people appreciate my company. I feel strong, independent and confident within myself. Whatever obstacle I might come across I'm confident that I can handle it. I feel good about my future and I'm looking forward to continue living my life. I laugh a lot. I like my job. I love people. I love myself. I love my body. I feel worthy. I have a lot of energy. I don't take things too serious. I rarely critizise myself. When I make a mistake I let it go quickly. I know that my mistakes do not define me or my worth. I love life. -------------------------------------------- APRIL 8 I don't feel like I'm really 'here'. My mind is clouded. It feels like I'm just in between sleeping and being awake. I am tired all the time, everything is exhausting. Everything feels meaningless. I feel worthless, useless. I want to be alone, away from people. I feel like everyone is watching me, judging me. I feel awkward whenever I encounter another person. I don't know how to socialize and interact with people. I feel depressed. I cry all the time, the darkness within me is just too much. The anxiety is constantly present and it tears me apart from within. I can't stand myself. I hate everything. I hate my job. I hate myself. I hate who I am around other people. My body is heavy, swollen, ugly, wrong. I take everything personal. I critizise and blame myself for everything that's wrong in this world. I can't remember anything that's good with my life. I replay every situation that has ever felt wrong. I can't stand living. --------------------------------------------- Ok, so this is my reality. This is how much PMS influences my body and state of mind. I know that many people with ovaries can relate to this. It might be milder and it might be worse. I just want to remind you that it will pass. I know it's really hard to remember when you have 'Pass me the shot-gun type of PMS' but you are strong, you have powered through it before. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ❤

A post shared by MALIN 🌱 (@malinxolofsson) on

„To nije ništa zbog čega bi se trebalo sramiti. Da, neugodno je, teško se osjećati kao da moraš stalno sakrivati trbuh. Da, tvoje tijelo se možda ne osjeća dobro jer se mora boriti s hormonima. Umjesto da si pogoršaš stanje srameći se, napravi suprotno“, napisala je. „Shvati da se upravo u tim trenucima trebaš dodatno brinuti za sebe i voljeti se. Shvati da se ne trebaš sakrivati. Savršena si i tvoje tijelo je savršeno OK.“ 

Photo: Instagram
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