
Unatoč tragičnoj dijagnozi, ova djevojka je imala svoje vjenčanje iz snova

Kakav predivan primjer ljubavi: djevojka koja se godinama bori s cističnom fibrozom i kojoj je tijelo odbilo transplantirani organ, ipak se na svoj dan iz snova osjećala poput prave princeze

Caleigh Haber, 27-godišnjakinja je sa cističnom fibrozom, koja je nedavno prošla kroz operaciju transplantacije pluća, ali njeno ih je tijelo odbilo. Potrebna joj je dvostruka transplantacija kako bi preživjela, ali stručnjaci kažu da vrlo vjerojatno ne bi izdržala operaciju pa je prema tome nisu ni mogli odobriti. Kako je za NBC5 rekla Caleigh: "To je najgora stvar koju možete čuti kao pacijent."


To the love of my life || "On this day, I give you my whole heart. My promise to be faithful and supportive; and to always make our family's love and happiness my priority. I promise,that I will walk with you,Hand in hand, Wherever our journey leads us. Living, learning, and loving you. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and be your partner through whatever our lives may bring. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. I will comfort you when the Ohio State Buckeyes loose, I will give my shoulder when you're in conflict. I will always wait for you while you’re away for work. I vow be more selfless, more compassionate, more driven and more giving. Im sorry, my love, that you won’t always have me in your life, but I promise you every minute I’m alive I will dedicate myself to you. I will never stop fighting to stay alive. You inspire me to fight harder, to put myself through struggle, to look past chaos, to drink ensures and to take my medication. You have made me a better person, and I vow to continue to strive to be better every day. and the best wifey I can be to you. Forever and Always .”#caleighsaysbrydo #fight2breathe

Objavu dijeli Caleigh Sarah Haber (@fight2breathe)

Kao rezultat ove prognoze, Caleigh se mogla ili u potpunosti predati ili boriti. Odlučila je živjeti život do zadnjeg daha i iskoristiti sve što može u međuvremenu. Jedna od stvari koje su ona i njezin dečko, Bryan Takayama, odlučili je - vjenčati se na najbajkovitiji mogući način! Upoznali su se prije godinu dana i odmah ludo zaljubili, a sada joj je Bryan najveća podrška u životu.


There’s something about being married that makes me feel complete. It fills a hole I never even knew I had. It’s only been a year since I met Bryan but within that time we’ve accomplished more together than I would have ever imagined. The moment my eyes met his a year ago he smiled at me. His strong jawbone and the twinkle in his eyes stopped me in my tracks. He’s told me before it was love at first sight, but for me I had no idea how much my life would change because of him. We entered our relationship blind to the fact that only 6 months in I would be diagnosed with rejection. My worst fear especially as our life together was just beginning. It’s forced us to become more strict on my medical regimen, to spend more nights home on the couch, for date night to go from romantic dinners and fun drinks to movie theaters, to me requesting more foot rubs, and us spending nights in the hospital instead of our home. But it’s also made our bond closer, our hearts lust each other more, and our understanding of life abundantly more clear. The day I got diagnosed with rejection you got on a plane and traveled 2,459 miles just to be there to hold my hand if I needed you. And I did. My whole family did. You’ve instilled a zest for life in me I’m not sure I would have if you weren’t here. A desire to go through all the same obstacles again, to fight past being put back on the oxygen leash, and to undergo another transplant so our lives together can be what we originally hoped it would. My wife life fulfills me. It pulls me out of putting my own needs first and considering us together above all. That’s not to say that my health still isn’t #1 though. Without health nothing is possible. We would crumble, we would fail, and we would disappear. My wife life shows me how to be a better person and fuels the fire inside me to strive to be better and do better every day. || This is a clip from the moment Bryan first saw me on our wedding day 🌹 #WifeLife #Wifey #TrophyHusband #Married #caleighsaysbrydo #fight2breathe #cysticfibrosis #65roses #curecf #cfawareness #unos #organdonation #donatelife #recycleyourself #doublelungtransplant #organrejection #transplantee #lovewins

Objavu dijeli Caleigh Sarah Haber (@fight2breathe)

Svakodnevno joj pomaže jer je Caleigh otkazala jetra, izgubila je puno kilograma i teško diše. Kako bi im pomogli platiti i organizirati vjenčanje cijela njihova obitelj, prijatelji, ali i potpuni stranci putem donacijske stranice GoFundMe prikupili su dovoljno novca kako bi ova djevojka proživjela svoje vjenčanje iz snova. 

Slike s vjenčanja preplavile su Instagram i izgledaju više nego savršeno. Caleigh je rekla kako ona i Bryan nisu kao svi ostali 27-godišnji parovi te kako se ona svakodnevno susreće s odlukama koje život znače, doslovno. Međutim, to je nikako ne sprječava da živi do maksimuma!

Photo: instagram @taytay_xx

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