
Sok od celera je totalni hit! Što sve može taj moćni napitak

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  • Ima i iznenađujuć anti-age efekt


Sok od celera često se može vidjeti na raznim Instagramima fitness blogerica. Naime, djeluje vrlo pozitivno na zdravlje te ima anti-aging efekt. Zato se isplati redovito popiti čašu ovog blagotovornog soka.

Što sve može sok od stapke celera 

Konzumacijom soka od celera prvenstveno ćeš unijeti u organizam brojne vitamine. Osim toga, opskrbljuje tijelo važnim željezom, kalcijem i kalijem. Sadrži antioksidanse koji štite imunitet, ali ima i fenomenalno anti-aging djelovanje. Naime, kemijski spojevi štite kožu od UV-zračenja te se brinu da sporije stari. U kineskoj medicini sok od celera slovi kao prirodni lijek protiv visokog tlaka ili reumatskih tegoba, dok se u ajurvedskoj medicini koristi se kod poteškoća s probavom. Dakle, u svakom slučaju se isplati popiti čašu soka od celera (najbolje ujutro). 


#Repost from @insana.diary • HEALING CELERY JUICE • * My morning routine: warm water with lemon on an empty stomach, wait 10-15 mins, then juice and drink 16oz of celery juice immediately, wait another 30 mins and have my healthy vegan green (most of the time) smoothie 🌿💚 * Results I am getting from celery juice: _ skin is clearing up and glowing 💁🏼‍♀️ _ i have more energy ⚡️ _ food is digesting better 🍏 _ i don’t get sweet cravings 🚫 _ think clearer 💭 * Fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful and healing juices one can drink. Just 16oz of fresh celery juice a day can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week. * Celery juice is an alkalizing, enzyme-rich, electrolyte-enhancing, liver-repairing, blood-sugar-balancing, antiseptic, strongly alkaline & anti-inflammatory drink. * It helps to counteract acidosis, purify the bloodstream, aid in digestion, prevent migraines, relax the nerves, reduce blood pressure, & clear up skin problems. * @celeryjuicebenefits @medicalmedium #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #celeryjuice #medicalmedium

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Pravilna priprema 

Za spravljanje soka najbolji je celer listaš. Jednostavno ga istisni u sokovniku i uživaj u svježem, zdravom soku. U kombinaciji s mrkvama ili jabukama ima sjajan okus. Ako nemaš sokovnik za hladno prešanje, možeš narezati celer na komade veličine 2 cm te s pomoću štapnog miksera napraviti pire. Možeš to razrijediti s vodom kako bi dobila željenu gustoću ili propasirati da dobiješ čisti sok. Također, ako možeš nabaviti celer iz organskog uzgoja bilo bi super jer onaj iz konvencionalnog jako je tretiran pesticidima. 


Repost from I got so many questions about our celery juice after my post yesterday! So here’s a few deets. I juice 2 bundles of celery each morning and drink on an empty stomach. It usually makes 30-35 ounces. My girls each drink 5ish ounces and I drink the rest. @medicalmedium suggests 16 oz. It’s best to drink within 15 minutes of juicing. Many of you questioned the taste. We like the taste! However, when we started juicing celery a couple months ago, I added two apples with it. Then I scaled down to one until we had acquired the taste for straight celery juice. It’s best on its own but most certainly better to add apples than to not drink it at all! The @celeryjuicebenefits page has some great info on why it’s so beneficial. So grateful for @medicalmedium and his wisdom. Rock the day, friends! 💪🏽 #medicalmedium #celeryjuice #mom #momlife #motherhood #raisinggirls #momofgirls #mightymamaandco #crunchymama #mightymama #runwildmychild #wilderness_kids #mightymamasbyadoption#outdoorbaby #outdoorkids #getoutside #outdoorfamily

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Photo: Instagram @haileybieber
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