
'Ništa čega bih se trebala sramiti!': Majka troje djece slavi svoje tijelo na Instagramu

  • Sarah Nicole Landry (34) je sretna majka troje djece i slavi svoje mama-tijelo kao „The Birds Papaya“ s ludo lijepim fotkama na Instagramu 
  • U intervjuu je Sarah otkrila zašto je odlučila pokazati se tako javno – svaka čast, Sarah! 
  • Naime, dugo vremena nije se to usudila i zazirala je od stereotipnog izgleda ženskog tijela… 

„Misli na ljude koje voliš. Misli na ljude kojima se diviš ili te inspiriraju. Misli na te ljude i navedi pet stvari koje voliš na njima. Možda misliš na njihovu ljubaznost, talente, smiješak ili na njihove riječi. Možda misliš na to kako te nasmijavaju ili kako te grle s ljubavlju. Možda ćeš pri tome primijetiti da je tijelo rijetko na vrhu liste…“ 


Think about the people you love. ⁣⁣ Think about those you admire, or are inspired by. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Think on those people. ⁣⁣ And name 5 things you like about them. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ You might think of their kindness. ⁣⁣ You may think of their talents. ⁣⁣ You may think of how they make you feel when they’re around you. ⁣⁣ You might even say you love their smile, or their words. ⁣⁣ Or how they make you laugh. ⁣⁣ Or hug you in all the right ways. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ You might notice, rarely does someone’s body make the top of the list, or the list at all. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But then now, think of yourself. ⁣⁣ Think about all the things you offer those around you, those you love. ⁣⁣ Think of all the ways you want to be admired, or to be inspirational for. ⁣⁣ Think of what you want people to feel when they’re around you. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Your body, has nothing to do with those things. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ None of us are perfect. All of us are unique. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We come in all shapes and sizes. We adapt and change and evolve over and over in all different ways to life and the cards we are handed. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But your body is not the most important part of you. It’s not the most interesting, either. It’s not going to be the most talked about or most remembered. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ All the other parts of you, they will be. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I’m often asked how I got so comfortable with my body. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Honestly? It’s been in remembering how low on the list my body is in my importance and relevance in this world and in the relationships around me. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I care much more about how I make you feel on the inside, rather than how you might feel about my outsides. ⁣⁣ ⁣ All the other parts of me, that’s how I will be remembered.

A post shared by Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya) on

Ovakve misli (koje i tebe tjeraju na razmišljanje) piše Sarah Nicole Landry – alias „The Birds Papaya“ uz svoje dirljive fotografije na Instagramu koje mnoge ljude pogađaju u srce i dušu. Njene fotografije oslobađaju od nesigurnosti i inspiriraju stotine tisuća ljudi da (konačno) gledaju na svoje tijelo pozitivno te ne definiraju više svoje vrijednosti preko svog izgleda. 

Tijelo i način na koji se prilagođavamo životu su doista fascinantne stvari te nije nešto čega se treba sramiti. Kakva šteta bi bila sramiti se nečega toliko nevjerojatno čarobnog. 

Međutim, premda na njenim fotografijama izgleda kao da je Sarah oduvijek bila sretna i zadovoljna sa svojim tijelom – na kojem se jasno vide znakovi trudnoće i promjene težine – to nije baš tako. Dugo vremena je Sarah bila vrlo nesretna sa svojim izgledom. Išla je na dijete i mršavjela, ali još uvijek nije bila sretna. Pregrmjela je rastavu braka, jedno vrijeme bila je samohrana majka – bilo je to doba dok je sumnjala u sebe. Tri trudnoće promijenile su joj tijelo na način s kojim se dugo nije mogla pomiriti. 

Nova ljubav, nova karijera, puno više ljubavi prema sebi 

U međuvremenu je Sarah puno bolje – kao što jasno pokazuju njene fotke. Uspjela je prihvatiti svoje tijelo te je razvila zdrav i dobro izbalansiran životni stil. Dala je otkaz na poslu i izgradila je karijeru kao influencerica na društvenim medijima. U privatnom životu se veseli novoj ljubavi. Presretna je sa svojim suprugom Shaneom te živi s njim i svoje troje djece.  


I’ll be honest, sometimes I get real sucked into the lifestyle of instagram. Are the kids matching? Are we all smiling? Do we look like we’re having a good time? How much do I bribe the kids for the pic? ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ It got harder and harder. It felt like the one part of me that wasn’t authentic in this space because I kept trying for it. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The picture perfect. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But, honestly? We’re freaking happy. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ So I don’t want to just be this smiling happy family on the outside with cracks on the inside. I’ve been there. I’ve done that. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I want to be us. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ So wear the horror comic shirts, Shane. ⁣⁣ Wear your cosplay, Maya. ⁣⁣ Jemma, be your smiling self in pjs. ⁣⁣ Boden, we all know you do you always anyways, so keep it up. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Thank you to each of you, my dear family, for giving me our perfect life together. Pictures capturing it or not. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Let’s keep being us. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ And when we DO capture it, enjoy that we can now look at the photos and have a memory that is weird, wonderful and real behind it. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣**edit: I will always love and support the super curated images of families on IG. Just because we aren’t that, it is still valid in this space and honestly? Quite a fun escape for me to see and experience too. No shame on the cutie matching families here, they’re some of my fave follows!!**

A post shared by Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya) on

Zašto je odlučila pokazati svoje tijelo na Instagramu, otkrila je u jednom intervjuu… 

„Dugi niz godina sramila sam se svojeg tijela i tako sam si žarko željela 'Instagram-tijelo' koje je vrijedno pokazivanja – sve dok nisam shvatila da takvo tijelo već imam. Napravila sam svoje tijelo 'vrijednim Instagrama' tako da sam ga jednostavno tamo pokazala!“ 

Na pitanje je li joj bilo lako prihvatiti svoje tijelo nakon trudnoće, odgovorila je: „Ne, apsolutno ne. Imala sam puno strija i područje trbuha mi je bilo jako prošireno. Trudnoću nisam započela s puno ljubavi prema sebi pa se je činila kao trajno putovanje u kojem se moram boriti sa sobom i svojim tijelom. Trajalo je doista 8 do 9 godina nakon rođenja svog trećeg djeteta dok nisam prihvatila te dijelove sebe i počela ih cijeniti.“ 

Kad su je pitali koja joj je najveća želja za sve žene ovog svijeta i njihovu vezu sa svojim tijelom, Sarah je rekla: „Želim da shvate kako je tijelo zadnji dio na njima koji nekoga doista zanima. Želim si da pokažu samopouzdanje kad nastupe promjene ili kad postane teško. Mi smo toliko puno više od naših tijela i posljednje što trebamo je da nas tijelo sprječava da vidimo što se sve događa oko nas! Često su me pitali kako se mogu toliko dobro osjećati u svom tijelu. Iskreno? Sjetila sam se koliko je moje tijelo bilo nevažno za sve što je bitno u ovom svijetu i u odnosima s drugima oko mene. Puno mi je važnije kako ćeš se osjećati u mojoj prisutnosti – a ne što misliš o mom tijelu. Sve ostalo na meni je ono čega ćeš se sjećati.“ 

Draga Sarah, hvala ti puno na inspirativnim riječima i fenomenalnim fotografijama na Instagramu! 


I think for many of us, we had this idea or this notion that once we found our destination of self love it would mean that we no longer struggle with our bodies ever again, close the book the story is done. The end. Goodbye. 👋⁣ ⁣ Except, that’s not exactly how it worked out for me. ⁣ ⁣ Not even a little bit. ⁣ ⁣ You see, self love (like all love) has been more action than feeling. It’s been learning how to manage the negative thoughts, to be aware of what’s triggering them, and to start taking on new mindfulness. ⁣ ⁣ What does that look like tho? Because even I’m reading back on that and thinking “well that’s some hippy dippy fluff”.⁣ ⁣ But what if we just started neutralizing the thoughts? What if we just started working on ourselves WITHOUT the pressure on our bodies to react? What if we just started by working towards feeling safe and feeling ok? ⁣ ⁣ What if when we are standing in front of a mirror and begin to feel negative, we simply step away from it? Or when looking at a social media account, unfollowing it? Or a conversation you’re having, being ok to end it or turn it around?⁣ ⁣ The fact is - we will never be an overflowing cup of life and love all the time. There will be sources that fill us. There will be sources that drain us. ⁣ ⁣ And they won’t be the same for us all. ⁣ ⁣ But what really matters, is paying attention. Taking note of the times you feel filled, being mindful of the times you feel drained. ⁣ ⁣ And like, apply to life. 💅⁣ ⁣ So that the story may continue. Word by word. Line by line. Chapter by chapter. Each of them teaching us something new.

A post shared by Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya) on

Photo: Instagram/Getty

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