
Kako bi trebala izgledati da se svima svidiš

Influencerica i osobna trenerica Chessie King (327.000 pratitelja na Instagramu) snimila je video protiv 'hejtanja' na Internetu u suradnji s „Cybersmile Foundation“…

U razdoblju od 12 sati otkako je objavljen video, sakupio je već više od 150 tisuća reakcija. Chessie je u zastrašujućem videoklipu s pomoću montaže i specijalnih efekata promijenila svoje tijelo točno onako kako bi to voljeli njeni „followersi“. 


What does happiness mean to you? 💁🏼‍♀️ Have you ever thought “I’ll be happier when I’m a smaller size” or “I’ll be happier when I have a flatter stomach”? 💭 Happiness is a feeling, a smile, a memory, an experience, a place, a friend... my happiest times in life haven’t been anything to do with my body & how I look. I’ve been there though, I’ve been through the whole ‘go to the gym as many times as I can in a week & eat as little as I can because I’ll be happier if I can fit into that pair of jeans...’ When I was at my smallest, I was definitely not my happiest. I’m happy because I‘m finally comfortable in my body. I don’t look at this photo & think ‘yuk, I hate my stomach, I need to go do a workout’. I don’t punish myself, I workout because it makes me feel amazing & it’s an instant buzz 💦 Tonight, write down 5 things that make you happy & promise yourself you’ll do more of those things or spend more time with those people. You’ve only got one life, don’t waste time on being UNHAPPY ❤️🧡💛 Find happiness in yourself, in other people, in your life right NOW 🙋🏼‍♀️ 📸 • @lydiaxcollins

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Netko je napisao – „Tvoje ruke izgledaju debelo“ – pa su ruke na sljedećoj slici retuširane. Tako je tijelo kreativne trenerice mijenjano više puta – prema „opaskama“ fanova – dok na kraju nije izgledala poput Aliena!

 | Autor:

Na tom se primjeru dobro vidi koliko uvredljivi i nepotrebni mogu „hejterski“ komentari na društvenim mrežama. Osim toga, video ima jasnu poruku: voli samu sebe i nemoj pokušavati udovoljiti drugima – to je apsolutno besmisleno, jer ti drugi su jednostavno glupi. 

Pogledaj video „Cybermile Fondation“ s Chessie King: 

Chassie je na Instagramu postala video u kojem pokazuje svoje tijelo te je napisala da je jako ponosna na njega. 


THIS IS ME. THIS IS MY BODY 🙋🏼‍♀️ No flattering angles, no flattering lighting, just me & my body feeling on top of the 🌍. We all have days where we feel super duper good but we don’t share them enough. I want YOU to feel confident enough to dance around in your underwear & embrace any wobble you have! A few years ago I would never have posted this, all I cared about back then was being the leanest I could, going to the gym as many times as I could a week & counting every calorie I ate 🍴 Even at my smallest, when I was training the most & eating the least, I just wanted to cover up my body because it wasn’t my idea of ‘perfect’ 💁🏼‍♀️ Now my priority is to be happy & comfortable in my own skin, & today I appreciate my body & what it does for me. We were not made to be Barbie dolls who LOOK insanely good 24/7, we were made to be HUMAN & we should all be allowed to FEEL insanely good 24/7. Come at me keyboard warriors, you can say what you want but nothing will knock me down 💃🏼👊🏼

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Photo: Getty/Guliver

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