
Godinama si ne pere zube – zubarica se zaprepastila kad je otvorila usta

Tina Stoklosa jede tri godine samo voće, a dvije godine si ne pere više zube. Zubarica nije mogla vjerovati rezultatima njezine prehrane

Tina je u svojim tridesetima imala uspješnu karijeru dizajnerice interijera, ali nije bila zadovoljna činjenicom da je još uvijek solo te da se mora stalno boriti sa svojom prekomjernom težinom. „Stalno sam imala napadaje gladi. Bila sam na raznim dijetama, ali svejedno nisam gubila kilograme i iz godine u godinu sam se osjećala sve bespomoćnije“, izjavila je u intervjuu. Onda je (tada 36-godišnjakinja) slučajno otkrila frutarijanstvo. „Dok sam tražila recept za zeleni smoothie, slučajno sam na Internetu našla djevojku koja se hranila isključivo voćem.


Brace yourself everyone. DURIAN. SEASON. IS. COMING.🔥 Big, unexpected, freakish durian season is here in Bali. 5 months away (!!!) from the usual season peaking in February. This is very, very unusual. And its not just the 10% of the trees that are said to fruit outside of regular season, all the trees in Ubud are LOADED with fruit ready to drop next month. Just at the sunrise market in Ubud, which is by no means a place to buy durian, there were already 6 ladies selling freshly fallen in the night Bali durian. Same in north Bali, the Bangkok Durian - as they call Monthong - is also ripe on the trees. The other amazing fruit species that come in durian season are also starting to appear: baskets of mangosteen, wani white mango, utu fruit, even some rambutan - its all here. We came to Bali at peace with our decision to be out of the durian loop for three months - BUT looks like we manifested plenty durian again! 😂 Tag a friend who needs to hear the good news! . . . . . #durian #durianbali #bali #ubud #tropicalfruit #duren #exoticfruit #rawvegan #rawfood #fruitarian #801010 #highcarb

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Poslije sam našla cijelu grupu frutarijanaca. Većina od njih izgledala je nevjerojatno zdravo i imali su toliko energije da su neki odlučili baviti se sportovima izdržljivosti.“ Stoklosa je odlučila isprobati živjeti na taj način tjedan dana – od tog prvog tjedna prošle su tri godine! 

Ne pere zube dvije godine 

Danas Stoklosa ima 39 godina i živi sa svojim zaručnikom – koji je također frutarijanac – na Baliju. Godinu dana nakon promjene prehrane odlučila je prestati prati zube. Smatra kako njen način prehrane ruši društvene norme i ideje – a svakodnevno pranje zuba je jedno od njih. Premda ona i njen zaručnik konzumiraju svaki dan puno voćnog šećera, oboje su se prije dvije godine odrekli četkice za zube. Sigurni su da im niti iz voća čiste zube na prirodan način. 


Every new person you meet on your way brings a new energy into your life. It has been no different having my best friend @joanna_kulczynska here. We’ve known each other for 20 years and yet every time we meet its different and exciting as nothing in the universe ever stays the same. It so funny to observe the shifts in ourselves and each other as we age (Now entering third decade of our friendship - priceless! Are we really that old? Seems like we were at uni yesterday!) For instance, for the vast majority of our friendship, I was the one initiating all evening outings, parties and anything that could have been an excuse to drink. Joanna, happily married since her mid-twenties, was much more resilient to the idea of going to seedy nightclubs in holiday resorts, whilst, I the relentless clubber, lived for partying and dancing (which sometimes led to funny episodes like spending hours looking for a club open in Miami on a Sunday) Now the roles have changed - I start my evening wind-down routine at 7pm, in bed at 8 and asleep by 9. Joanna in turn longed for the live latino music played in a super cool place right next to us and so into the nightlife we went. It was the first time I was out after dusk with live music in years! I really enjoyed it, altho still felt like a bit of an outsider there. Which in turn reminds me of the first raw foodist I ever found online - Victoria Boutenko. In one of her videos she described how after living in the forest eating nothing but wild edibles for over a decade, she separated from her husband and went to a women’s empowerment conference. She was stunned that so many of these women looked so good and healthy and were clearly thriving even tho most of them just ate ‘regular’ food! She was shocked to see there is happiness to be found outside raw food. Much in the same way I smiled watching ppl dancing, laughing and enjoying themselves. Now, back from the depths of Ubud’s nightlife, I hereby report to you: There IS life outside raw food. Still, tuning into what serves me best - I went for a cucumber-lime-mint mocktail (basically a green smoothie served by a barman) and was in bed by 8pm. For me, being raw feels too good to change!

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Zubarka je bila iznenađena rezultatom 

„Kad sam nakon tri godine išla na rutinski pregled zuba, moja zubarka je pozvala još dvojicu kolega da im pokaže moje zube. Bili su u toliko sjajnom stanju da su ostali šokirani!“ 


This is happiness in a picture for me! ✨ Not exactly in Jerantut, but on the small off-roads leading into the jungle, we’ve found orang asli - the native people selling these jungle durios by the bucket. Tiny and intense Id describe them as cousins of the purple punk or our Sumatra lowianus. So freaking good they reconfirmed the status of this durio being my favorite (well, maybe a tie with durio dulcis but Id have to eat them at the same time and thats never gonna happen dulcis being only in Borneo and lack of lowianus there!) Insanely aromatic, they are like alcohol-filled pralines. Can you tell the top 2 fluo durians are of a different kind? Just before this pic was taken we dipped and meditated at a river just below, antsy to sit down to this huge monomeal of durio lowianus. Happy, happy times! 🙏💗 . . . . #rawfood #rawvegan #durian #801010 #fruitarian #tropicalfruit #cuticutimalaysia #malaysianfood #vegantravel #foodtravel #visitmalaysia #lovetoeat #plantbasedfood #plantbaseddiet #plantpowered #vegandinner #highcarb #superfood #intermittenfasting #edrecovery #fruit #veganmeal #highcarbvegan #exoticfruit #pahang #tamannegara #jerantut

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Stoklosa putuje svijetom 

Trenutačno Stoklosa i njen zaručnik putuju svijetom kako bi otkrivali razne sorte voća iz različitih zemalja. Svoja otkrića objavljuju na YouTubeu i Instagramu. Stoklosa je također sigurna da ovakav način prehrane sprječava rak i depresiju. 

S druge strane, liječnici upozoravaju da se takve izjave frutarijanaca ne smiju uzimati zdravo za gotovo, odnosno da su uglavnom neutemeljene i netočne.   

Photo: Instagram @haileybieber
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  • Natty

    Zubarka nije hrvatska riječ, tj. treba se koristiti zubarica ili stomatologica.